CoronaVirus Blog: Lake Mary, day 49


“If now is not the time to cook eggs with a blowtorch, then when?” Emeril

M-, apparently I’ve been spelling her name wrong, friended me on Facebook, and I am already regretting confirming it. She has no filter. She posts right on her page: DHS took my child away from my mom in FL. who is the horrible person that would make a call to do that? i dont know what to do i dont know what i do im so upset

I don’t know who called DHS either, but I have to believe the baby is better off in an environment with air conditioning and no hoarding. Also, as painful as it is, B- is better off not caring for an infant because B- has serious health issues.

And I guarantee you, M- will have more children she can’t take care of. How sad to see this all unfold on another family.

However M- and B- have rights and there is a possibility the infant will be returned to one of them. Probably B- because M- is still in Colorado. It’s times like these that I wish I had some kind of unwavering faith in God, but if I had that, I would know that whatever happened would eventually be for the best. Or not.

Good and bad news. The numbers of new coronavirus cases and deaths are definitely on a downward slide. Yet Trump has decided to shelve the CDC precautions and open up the country willy nilly. Also Michael Flynn’s obstruction of justice case was just dismissed by attorney general William Barr even though he already confessed to the charges and was already convicted of lying to the FBI. It’s like there’s no laws anymore. No examples of decency or justice either.

Trump’s presidency causes me a lot of anxiety. I don’t like feeling upset all the time as he destroys democratic norms, lies to the American public, endangers public health with his lame- brain meanderings, and worst of all makes right seem wrong and vice versa. The Bookaneers are  reading 1984. Doublethink. 2 + 2= 5.

At my age, I am intolerant of so much as two seconds of discomfort. When I was young, I could pass out on the floor and spring up eight hours later fresh as a daisy and suffering no hangover. And this was during the Nixon presidency. Now I can’t even handle a presidential response to a pandemic that will literally kill us all, without switching channels.

When I look at his approval ratings, which are still high, I swear, I think I will have a stroke.

CoronaVirus Stats for 2:00 pm:

3,980,414 cases (ww)
274,132 deaths (ww)

1,307,430 cases (nw)
77,851 deaths (nw)

39,199 cases (fl)

1,669 deaths (fl)

410 cases (sc)
10 deaths (sc)

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